Kinderspital Zürich

Postdoctoral research position, immunogenic cell death in acute leukemia 100 %

Start of employment to be mutually agreed, temporary

Located in the Campus Lengg of the University of Zurich, and soon in the newly built research tower of the Kinderspital, we apply and develop state-of-the-art technologies including single cell analytics, CRISPR-based genome editing, machine learning algorithms, high content data analysis and ex-vivo / in vivo PDX models. We are embedded in a strong precision oncology network at UZH with strong ties with the ETH Zurich and are centrally involved in international clinical trials for childhood leukemia providing a relevant context to our research program.The employment is limited to 2 years with the option of extension.

Your responsibilities

  • You explore the cell biology of various cell death pathways (apoptosis, pyroptosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis) and their potential to eradicate resistant disease in the context of acute leukemia of childhood.
  • You dissect the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic signaling programs using a representative xenograft bank of primary leukemia.
  • You Investigate the immunogenic aspect of programmed cell death instances.
  • You work in an agile and collaborative lab environment and contribute to scientific discovery.
  • You will apply state-of-the-art laboratory methodologies.
  • You are receptive for encouragement and support for innovative and actionable ideas.
  • You have the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment with molecular and cellular biologists, clinicians, computer scientists, and international collaborators.

Your profile

  • You have a strong appetite for scientific discovery and a strong interest in disease modeling, cell death research, and biomedical computing.
  • You have a strong experimental track record.
  • You are motivated to work together with a focused task force and to guide master and PhD students.
  • You hold an MD-PhD or PhD in biological or biomedical sciences or equivalent.
  • You have strong analytical and problem-solving skills and are comfortable with planning, prioritizing, conducting, analyzing and communicating research in a variety of contexts.
  • You communicate actively with collaborators, colleagues and team members with proficiency in English.

What we offer

Work-Life Balance
  • Flexible working models (such as part-time positions, mobile working, job-sharing)
  • Childcare at the kihz foundation of UZH and ETH

Learning and Development
  • Wide range of continuing education courses of UZH and the Canton of Zurich
  • Language Center run jointly with ETH Zurich

  • Food and drinks at reduced prices in the UZH cafeterias
  • Lunch-Check-card with UZH contribution

  • Special conditions on the Academic Sports Association ASVZ
  • Free seasonal flu vaccinations
  • Rest and relaxation at the quiet room in the university tower

  • Private traffic: Carsharing, rent a vehicle, parking space
  • Digitalization: Hardware, software, mobile phone subscriptions
  • Special conditions on hotel reservations

Conditions of Employment
  • Policies of the UZH
  • Most UZH staff are employed according to public law

International Services
  • Support for people from outside Switzerland

  • Campuses Zurich City, Zurich Irchel, Oerlikon and Schlieren
  • Sites Zurich West, Old Botanical Garden, Botanical Garden and Lengg



Information on your application

Limited to 2 years with the option of extension.

Further information

Questions about the job

PD Dr. Beat Bornhauser Head of research Dept. of Pediatric Oncology

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